How to Turn On & Off Piwis 2 Scanner Self-Test Mode
On the Piwis Tester 2 V18.150.500 Piwis 2 software, the Self-test mode default setting off, How to turn Piwis 2 for Porsche diagnostic tool self-test mode? Below we share the Piwis Tester 2 Self-Test Mode Turn On & Off Guide as follow.
3 Steps To Set Up Piwis Tester 2 Self-Test Mode Guide?
Clients can set the Piwis 2 Porsche scanner self-test mode by means of this parameter.
When you have saved the corresponding setting, the diagnostic application will then be started with this configuration from this point on.
1.Start the Piwis II control application and select the category “Mode” in the menu bar:
2. Click next to the entry Self-test in the field Value (A) and select the corresponding entry in the drop-down menu by clicking on the corresponding option once (B).
The following options are available:
• Off
When the application starts, Piwis 2 self-test will not perform
• On
The self-test is performed when the application is started
3. Save the setting by pressing the button.
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