Our Chrysler Diagnostic Tool wiTech MicroPod 2 has latest update version V17.02.3 now. It can work more stable than WITECH VCI POD Diagnostic Tool. It can work on Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and North American Fiat vehicles equipped with CAN BUS technology. If you are looking for a special OEM Dealer diagnostic tool for Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep with full access to the vehicles that you are working on, wiTech MicroPod 2 is definitely your best choice.
Here are 6 highlight of getting wiTECH MicroPod 2 Diagnostic Tool:
1. the copy is 1:1 of the genuine, of high quality and good stability, its connector matches the car OBD plug perfectly.
2. With high-quality USB cable which transfer data stably and reliably
3. The package is anti-static, moisture-proof, anti-electromagnetic interference
4. Works with your current wiTECH software
5. No smart cables required
6. No drivers needed
Chrysler Diagnostic Tool wiTECH MicroPod ii Software needs to be installed in the laptop with Windows 7 32-bit operating system or higher. The packages includes one piece of MicroPOD II Interface and one USB cable and one CD with the latest software. For detailed information, please check http://www.cnautotool.com/goods-5106-Chrysler+Diagnostic+Tool+wiTech+MicroPod+2.html